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Modig Fitness Member Profile – The Burtt’s


Modig Fitness Member Profile – The Burtt’s

We love success stories, especially when they just seem to get better and better. About one year ago Adam and Rebecca Burtt began their CrossFit journey with Modig Fitness. We have been witness to their amazing transformations and improvement in CrossFit and look forward to seeing what the next year will bring. Enjoy learning more about them!

Adams’s Profile


  1. Where did you grow up? Ohio
  2. How long have you been Cross-Fitting? 1 year (almost)
  3. What is your favorite WOD? I like the holiday WOD’s. They are super challenging and I really feel a strong group connection, we all survived together
  4. What’s your favorite lift? Back squat, although I’m really starting to enjoy cleans.
  5. What’s your least favorite CF move? Ummmm, duh, burpees
  6. What do you think is the biggest myth about CrossFit? Everyone says this, but the biggest myth is that you have to be in some sort of rock star shape to start. I was in awful shape, over 300 lbs. and I just started. There’s never an easy time to start, you just have to do it.
  7. What’s your favorite non-CrossFit activity? Biking
  8. What’s your nickname? Don’t have one, although my best friend grown up always called me by my last name, Burtt. I’ve known the guy and his family for 38 years. 2 years ago he called me Adam with his parents standing there. They said “who is that?” yeah they thought my name was Burtt.
  9. What do you do for a living? Disaster Recovery Architect
  10. 10. How has CrossFit changed your life? Having grown up an athlete, and competing in swimming all through college, I fell out of shape in a big way. In college I was 185 lbs. Before I started CrossFit I was over 300 lbs. around 315 and I couldn’t tie my shoes without getting winded. Now I’m the fittest I’ve been in decades, have met an amazing group of people that I’m proud to call friends, and I’m now below 240 lbs. I’m not done, but well on my way to being healthy. And I’m having a great time doing it.

Rebecca’s Profile


  1. Where did you grow up? I grew up in Cincinnati, OH
  2. How long have you been Cross-Fitting? My year anniversary is the beginning of April
  3. What is your favorite WOD?  Anything that doesn’t include burpees :/
  4. What’s your favorite lift? Cleans and back squat
  5. What’s your least favorite CF move? Snatch
  6. What do you think is the biggest myth about CrossFit? I think the biggest myth is that you have to be very athletic to do CrossFit.  Anyone can do CrossFit.
  7. What’s your favorite non-CrossFit activity? Doing anything outside…such as hiking with Adam and the girls or taking the dogs to the Evergreen dog park
  8. What’s your nickname? Growing up, everyone called me Becca and Adam calls me The Pudding.  I am The Pudding!
  9. What do you do for a living? I work as a Business Deployment Leader for Optum, which is a division of United Healthcare
  10. How has CrossFit changed your life?  After doing CrossFit for almost a year, I am down almost three sizes and feel healthier than I have in years!  When Adam first asked me to do CrossFit with him, I thought he was crazy.  I was certain I wouldn’t like it.  I was so wrong.  I love the community at Modig.  Everyone is so supportive and always pushes me to do more that I thought I could.