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Modig Fitness Member Profile – Brent Eggers


Modig Fitness Member Profile – Brent Eggers

There is so much going on this month, with the Healthy Habits Challenge and the CrossFit Games Open, that we nearly forgot to post the February Modig Fitness Member profile! Please enjoy learning a bit more about another long time member of Modig, Brent Eggers.

  1. Where did you grow up? Five miles from St. Paul, MN
  1. How long have you been Cross-Fitting? Four years. I found David in late 2010 after having our first child. I remember telling him I used to mountain bike 15 hours a week and now have three hours a week to exercise, so I need something that will make it count. He said, “I got you covered”.
  1. What is your favorite WOD? Probably something old school like “Cindy” because it brings back lots of memories. I also like the more modern workouts with weightlifting.
  1. What’s your favorite lift? I think Handstand Push-Ups or Double-Unders because to me they were the most intimidating skills when I first started CrossFit. However once I actually committed to them in the workouts, they got pretty easy. I remember at the old location never counting any jump rope singles and sometimes I would finish 10 minutes after everyone else. That decision paid off very quickly.
  1. What’s your least favorite CF move? Easily wall balls. It seems like I have to jump every time and feel way shorter than 5’9”.
  1. What do you think is the biggest myth about CrossFit? I think the worst myth is when people say they want to try CrossFit but need to get into shape first and then will sign up. That honestly never works or you wouldn’t be considering CrossFit! You just need to walk in the front door. Everyone has been the new person in class at one point.
  1. What’s your favorite non-CrossFit activity? Hunting, mountain biking and skiing are always my top three. However, lately I’m enjoying racquetball more and more because of the time commitment required with the other three. I’m also super lucky to have an awesome wife and great kids. We have lots of fun playing at the parks in the HR.
  1. What’s your nickname? “Old E” or “Old English” never goes away when I’m back in Minnesota. 40oz’s were very cost effective in high school :/
  1. What do you do for a living? I bond large corporations and builders, which essentially guarantees their faithful performance of certain contracts
  2. How has CrossFit changed your life? Modig has improved my life in many ways. The biggest gain is probably            everything I have learned about nutrition and what works best for my body. It has also changed me in that I could never work out alone again! The thought of going to a big gym or rec center sounds so boring and horrible!