It’s a family affair for this latest addition of the Modig Fitness Member Profile! Jason and Kya (Kee-ya) Brown, along with their two boys, are familiar faces around Modig. Enjoying learning more about them!
- Where did you grow up? I was born in Chandler, AZ on Williams AFB, but since my dad was a pilot in the Air Force we quickly moved away, and often, for many years. After Arizona we went to Japan for 3 years, then New Mexico for 3 years, then Alabama for 1 year, then Germany for 3 years, then after 6 years in Virginia my dad retired and became a Southwest Airlines pilot and we moved back out to Arizona where my parents live today. Kya and I met in senior year of high school in Mesa, AZ in 1999, married in 2004, had Tyson in 2006, Trevor in 2008, and moved to Colorado in 2010.
- How long have you been Cross-Fitting? 2 years
- What is your favorite WOD? Anything with Assault Bike Sprints and heavy, low-rep lifts.
- What is your favorite lift? Snatch/Power Snatch
- What’s your least favorite CrossFit move? Definitely burpees…F*ck burpees, seriously; take too damn long.
- What do you think is the biggest myth about CrossFit? That women get bulky easily. While they do get nice asses (and there’s nothing wrong with that), it’s actually difficult to get “bulky”
- What’s your favorite non-CrossFit activity? Cooking/Grilling, playing with my 2 boys, drinking beers (yes multiple) with Ratty, playing baseball (but now softball), snowboarding, and of course traveling the world and seeing amazing places!
- How have your nutritional habits changed since starting CrossFit? Haven’t changed much as we’ve always been good about cooking dinner at home. However, we have started buying more natural, organic, and health conscience ingredients like coconut oil, almond flour, and other things recommended by Corey!
- What’s your nickname? Brownie. Everyone should know that.
- What do you do for a living? I’m a District Manager for a company called Pictometry (EagleView Technologies). I cover the states of CO, UT, WY, and MT selling professional services in the geospatial industry primarily consisting of aerial photography and other remote sensing products.
- What’s something about you that people don’t know? I’m an atheist and am fascinated in watching shows and reading books/articles about the universe, our galaxy, our solar system, and space in general. It’s mind boggling when you stop and think about what’s outside our little blue marble.
- How has CrossFit changed your life? CrossFit has helped me maintain, and improve my strength and overall fitness as my age increases. I love how it’s changed my life from a family aspect. Kya has really taken hold of CrossFit and loves going to classes. Prior to joining CrossFit, Kya would only go to the gym with me. She had no desire to go by herself mainly because she was intimidated by weightlifting. Now, she has no problem going to Modig, even when I’m gone on business. And of course, having two boys, they see us at Modig everyday and it’s instilled a mindset in them that you need to stay active to stay healthy. Plus they really enjoy CrossFit Kids! Everybody at Modig is amazing! Love the members, love the coaches, love challenging myself day in and day out.

- Where did you grow up? I grew up in Mesa, AZ and lived in ‘The Valley of the Sun’ until moving to Colorado nearly 6 years ago.
- How long have you been CrossFitting? I began Cross-Fitting 2 years ago and I absolutely love the athletic confidence it has given me!
- What is your favorite WOD? My favorite WOD is an AMRAP. Knowing there is a finite time limit, I am more willing to perform the workouts as prescribed, attempting skills and weights that otherwise may seem too daunting in say an EMOM.
- What is your favorite lift? My favorite lift is snatch. Prior to starting CrossFit I’d never heard of it and now I’m amazed by how much I can lift!
- What’s your least favorite CrossFit move? Hands down, my least favorite CrossFit move is wall balls. No matter how many reps, few or many, I’m always gassed!
- What do you think is the biggest CrossFit myth? I was overly concerned with getting TOO muscular, which I believe is a common misconception. A coach explained to me how much I would have to eat to gain the volume of muscle I was so fearful of, as well as how hard I would have to train. After that was put into perspective, I realized that I had nothing to lose!
- What is your favorite non CrossFit activity? My favorite non-CrossFit activity has to be traveling. I grew up in a family of six so our vacations consisted of short road trips. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate a good road trip but the world is a big place and I want to see as much of it as I can. I see our travels and an opportunity to educate my kids as well as helping them to be more well-rounded.
- How have your nutritional habits changed since starting CrossFit? Since starting CrossFit I have been paying attention to food labels and what an eye opener that has been! I have made a conscious effect to buy more Non-GMO as well as Organic and Grass-Fed foods.
- What’s your nickname? During college a friend began calling me KK (Krazy Kya) and for Jason it stuck! If anyone knows me, even remotely, I’m extremely passionate about my feelings and beliefs and I’m not one to shy away from expressing those to others. It’s not unusual for me to get a little (or a lot) loud, wild and crazy when talking about pretty much anything!
- What do you do for a living? I’ve been fortunate to stay at home the last number of years. Before moving to Colorado however, I sold Real Estate in Arizona. I am currently looking to begin a new career being that my kids are in the 3rd and 5th grades.
- What’s something about you that people don’t know? Most people may not know that I had open heart surgery as a child. I was 8 years old and the operation was experimental but it was a complete success. However, as a newborn the situation was much more dire. My parents were told I was very sick, life would be a constant struggle, I wouldn’t live a full life, I would need surgery after surgery, I shouldn’t engage in physical activity, I’d never have children…Even though I have been extremely healthy since having surgery, those fears are still very real for me. I find I am afraid to push myself too much, I struggle to find that ‘dark place’ to keep going, sometimes I convince myself that I simply cannot finish a workout and I’ve quit. I am my own worst enemy. I’ve beat the odds and done all I was told I could never do, for that I am eternally grateful!
- How has CrossFit changed your life? CrossFit has changed my life for the better, no doubt about it! Not only do I see myself as a physically strong woman, I know that I am. I am physically capable of so much more than I’ve I have ever been. Whether it’s lifting heavy objects, and doing it properly so I don’t injure myself, to knowing I literally could pull someone out of a burning car or a body of water. That’s empowering!