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Modig Fitness Member Profile – Brian Dessauer


Modig Fitness Member Profile – Brian Dessauer

  1. Where did you grow up? I grew up in Longwood, FL (just north of Orlando).  I was born in St. Petersburg and moved to Colorado 20 years ago.
  2. How long have you been Cross-Fitting? David’s wedding anniversary is my Crossfit anniversary.  3 years since I started on ramp with Billie!
  3. What is your favorite WOD? Any workout with rowing, and as of late, I also kinda like the assault bikes.  I know, crazy right!
  4. What’s your favorite lift? Push Press – I love shoulder/ overhead work.
  5. What’s your least favorite CF move? Wall Balls.  They are painful in so many ways.
  6. What do you think is the biggest myth about CrossFit? That you have to be in shape to start.  I started at 260 lbs after trying a 30 day diet than helped me drop from 280, and am down to 200 today.  I have never been on team sports, and prior to Modig had not worked out in over 5 years, even though I belong to another gym.  Scale to your needs and listen to your body.  There is no workout today that should prevent you from working out tomorrow!
  7. What’s your favorite non-CrossFit activity? Family time, hiking.  I love weekends with my wife Jenn, and my sons John & Lincoln.
  8. How have your nutritional habits changed since starting CrossFit? When I started crossfit the following Jan/ Feb was a nutritional challenge.  This made me take the step to try and better my diet.  I have had quite a few slips and don’t consider myself a clean eater.  I still struggle with the fact that I like sweets and sugars!
  9. What’s your nickname? Dess, just a shortened version of my last name.
  10. What do you do for a living? I have an interior finishing company that works with home builders on flooring, cabinets, and countertops.
  11. What’s something about you that people don’t know? I didn’t see snow fall from the sky until I was 19, and never saw enough snow to make a snow ball until my first winter in Colorado when I was 21.
  12. How has CrossFit changed your life? Committing to CrossFit, has been one of the single best decisions I have ever made.  It has given me strength both physically and mentally that I didn’t know I had.  CrossFit has allowed me to stay physically fit enough to keep up with my 4 & 7 year old sons, and mentally sharp enough to compete on a new level.  Thanks Modig!