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Modig Fitness – CrossFit


P1: Snatch (12×1)

Perform 1 rep EMOM

Minutes 1,4,7,10: 82.5% of TM

Minutes 2,5,8,11: 87.5% of TM

Minutes 3,6,9,12: 92.5% of TM

P2: Clean (12×1)

Perform 1 rep EMOM

Minutes 1,4,7,10: 82.5% of TM

Minutes 2,5,8,11: 87.5% of TM

Minutes 3,6,9,12: 92.5% of TM

P3: “Delts of Destruction” (Distance)

30-20-10 with 10/5# plates/DBs

Reverse Flyes

Lateral Flyes

Front Raises


F1A: Double Goblet Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat (4×8/leg)

Hold 2 KB/DB in the front rack
Add 5-10# per hand

Perform 1 superset of F1 every 3:00

F1B: DB Single Leg Hip Thrust (4×8/Leg)

Lie on the floor and place a DB over the hips
Add 5-10#

Complete 1 set of F1 every 3:00

F2A: Single Arm Bent Over Row (4×8/arm)

Add 5-10# per hand

Complete 1 superset of F2 every 3:00

F2B: Weighted Plank Hold (4x :45)

Place weight over hips
Complete 1 superset of F2 every 3:00

F3: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


15 Calorie bike

15 RKBS 55/35