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MobilityWOD – Shoulder Impingement Fix


MobilityWOD – Shoulder Impingement Fix

The following is from a few years back on the MobilityWOD site – check it out.

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Happy One Month Anniversary Mwoders, To celebrate, let’s perform a retest of our 10 min squat. Perform this Mwod after you train today. Some easy, back-relaxed squatting will help turn around your back from the mid-line-stabilization heavy “Michael” on the main page today.

And as a listener request: A quick option to help with those pesky shoulder impingements.

Test: How does your back feel after a heavy extension biased work out (like heavy snatches) or Michael. Mwod: Accumulate 10 minutes in an “ass to grass” squat. Let your back relax. Retest: How’s the bottom of your active squat? Do your heel cords feel better? How about your back?


[youtube id=’TZtQ1hP0zFY’ width=’600′ height=’400′ /]
