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Happy New Year Modig Fitness!


Happy New Year Modig Fitness!

2013 is here. Whether or not you believe in making resolutions, there is something undeniably refreshing about the beginning of a new year. People all across the world take this time to take stock of what they have achieved and consider the opportunities ahead. 365 days from now, what will you want to have achieved? What will you look back on and say “hell yeah, man, I did something good.”  Is it buying a new house? Spending more time with your friends and family? Taking that trip to Italy? For many of you, your goals might also have something to do with CrossFit. Thanks to No Mercy CrossFit for the following post.

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 A New Year brings about new goals and new aspirations . Out with the old in with the new right? Chance for a fresh start. Opportunities for each of us to become better as people and as cross fitters. After all we do this so that we can stay around a little longer for our loved ones and give us a better quality of life in the future. As sure as the sun is gonna come up tomorrow we will all have our share of successes in 2013 and a laundry list of failures and setbacks.  It is how we respond to those setbacks that makes us better people. We learn from our mistakes not so much from our shining moments.

As a gym if we stand together as one and pick each other up when one struggles we all get better. We will all struggle with certain lifts or skills or nutrition from time to time, and that is the beauty of cross fit. It gives us the chance to overcome and be stronger for it. Everyone can shine when the lights are on. What about when it is dark, who can you lean on. I hope your Modig family is what comes to mind. CrossFit in and of itself is not a magic carpet that will be there to catch you when the floor falls out from under you, but is certainly can make you a strong well rounded individual if you embrace all aspects of the program. No single aspect of CrossFit can stand alone. You need to embrace a better nutrition plan in the coming year. Eat meat, greens, veggies, nuts, seeds, a little fruit, and NO sugar and bread. Work hard on gymnastics movements, core work, lift heavy, and hit met cons when prescribed. Challenge yourself in 2013 to get as close to RX as possible. Don’t cheat yourself and lighten the load just to make the wod easier. Trust me, nothing feels better than doing a wod unmodified when you didn’t think it was possible be damned how long it takes you.

So where do we go from here? I believe whole heartedly that the only thing that holds one back is themselves. We are only limited by the goals we set for ourselves. Reach for the stars in 2013. What are your goals? Who wants to compete in 2013?Who wants to get L1 certified?  Who wants to lose weight? Who wants to be able to keep up with their children in a running race? I don’t give a shit what it is,but for the love of God strive for something!!!!!!!! (Source: No Mercy CrossFit)

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So what do you want to accomplish? Do you want to be part of  a Modig Fitness team that makes it to Regionals? Then start now! There is no time like the present, people. So stop waiting around for the other shoe to drop and let’s make 2013 one for the books. Share your goals with other people – hold each other accountable!  Challenge yourself and put stretch goals on the white board and try like hell to achieve them…and then set new ones!

Happy New Year Modig Fitness…1.2.3 GO!