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Modig Fitness – CrossFit


A1: Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (8RM 3:1:x:1)

Find an 8RM following the tempo of 3 down, 1 at the bottom, up, 1 at the top

A2: Back Rack Walking Lunges (Find a 8RM)

Reps must be continuous, no pauses with knee on the floor

B1: Strict Dips (3x Max 3:1:x:1)

Max reps following the tempo of 3 down, 1 at the bottom, up, 1 at the top

B2: Single Arm Bent Over Row (8RM x:2:2:1)

Find an 8rm following the tempo of up, 2 at the top, 2 down, 1 at the bottom


Metcon (Calories)

3 Rounds for calories

Every 4:00

12 DB Deadlifts

9 DB Hang Power Cleans

6 DB Shoulder to Overhead

1:00 Calorie Bike