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Texting & Mobility: A Terrible Combination


Texting & Mobility: A Terrible Combination

At Modig Fitness we often reference Kelly Starrett and (mwod). His philosophy is that “All human beings should be able to perform necessary maintenance on themselves.” In many cases our flexibility, or lack thereof, is a result of poor posture or form in our day to day activities. Culprit numero uno – TEXTING!  At last Saturday’s yoga class, Kelly’s blog “Most Important Mwod ever: Slow Death by Text” was mentioned. Thought it might be good for everyone to see the blog entry in its entirety…and maybe it’ll help us avoid the caveman look (and in this cases, caveman is not good!) when we text!




I’m sorry to say it but, this is probably the most important MWod episode ever for the modern Leopard.  You have to stop destroying your position whilst you text and type.  I can’t stress this enough.


[youtube id=’0uNmXW5km64′ width=’600′ height=’400′ /]

Mission:  Get correctly set up BEFORE you begin to text or type.  You cannot reclaim lost positioning once you’ve entered the texting tunnel. For every time you catch yourself in a poor texting/typing position today, you will need to perform 25 hollow rocks.  The penalty needs to be stiff.  You can change.  Make a better decision.  Now.

Don’t make me slap that phone out of your hand.

You should be able to spot another supple leopard on the street by their excellent texting position alone.  They are the person NOT texting in the DB position.  (DB=Delta Bravo=DBag)

 (Mobilitywod – Kelly Starrett)