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Modig Fitness Member Profile – A Mother/Daughter Duo!


Modig Fitness Member Profile – A Mother/Daughter Duo!

We love sharing profiles of our members and are excited to share a dynamic duo for the month of October. Not only has Modig Fitness developed its own family community, we also have a number of families that are members of our gym!  I’m sure there is a saying somewhere that says a “family that exercises together, stays together” …or at the very least provides a lot of competitive banter during Thanksgiving dinner! Please enjoy learning more about Denise (mom) and Cassidy (daughter) Hawkins!


1.     Where did you grow up?  

(Denise) California, then Colorado starting in middle school.

(Cassidy) Highlands Ranch, CO

2.    How long have you been CrossFitting  

(D) Two years this June – started June 2012!

(C) Started in July of 2012

3.    What is your favorite WOD?  

(D) Any of the long WOD’s with bodyweight reps like pullups, handstand push-ups, dips, etc.

(C) Same as my mom… Longer WOD’s that focus less on heavy weight and more on body weight, rowing, and running.

4.    What’s your favorite lift? 

(D) Clean

(C) Clean & Jerk

5.    What’s your least favorite CF move? 

D) Definitely Snatch!

(C) Snatch

6.    What do you think is the biggest myth about CrossFit?  

(D) Several of my friends have said they will start CrossFit once they are fit. I tell them that David is the master of starting with beginners!

(C) That CrossFit is bad for you. Of course there’s always a risk of injury when playing a sport or participating in   intense physical activity, like CrossFit, but the benefits outweigh the risks in my opinion. That’s why it’s important to choose a box like Modig where the coaches go above and beyond to teach correct form and technique.

7.    What’s your favorite non-CrossFit activity?  

(D) Tennis and anything my kids want to do – sprints, stairs, etc.

(C) Anything sports related, hanging out with friends, traveling

8.    What’s your nickname? 

(D) I don’t have one!

(C) C-Hawk

9.    What do you do for a living?  

(D) Unemployed! I was blessed to be a stay at home mom. I’m a volunteer at Children’s Hospital.

(C) Weddings & events for Colorado Golf Club

10.  How has CrossFit changed your life?  

(D) Working out got to be a chore, but I made myself go every day. Now it’s actually fun and I look forward to it. Especially with Cassidy!

(C) I grew up active and a regular gym attendee, but CrossFit has physically and mentally challenged me in ways I’ve never challenged myself before. Everyday I walk into CrossFit with a mindset of bettering myself. As a result, I’m stronger and leaner than I have probably ever been. I know for a fact I would not be in the shape I am today if it weren’t for CrossFit (and my mom’s motivation). Big thanks to David and the other MoDig coaches!