A Motivating CrossFit Story
CrossFit has been a catalyst for change in many people. You might even be one of them. Sharing these stories not only helps articulate the world of CrossFit and paleo nutrition, but it can help motivate us through a challenging time. Sometimes, no matter how much we love CrossFit, there are just days when you find it hard to get to the box. Or try as you may to stick to the 80/20 of paleo/non paleo nutrition, there are days when you just want to enjoy a couple margaritas, some chips n’ salsa and non-paleo friendly enchiladas. First of all, that happens to everyone. It doesn’t mean you’ve fallen off the bandwagon, but rather that you’re human. So here is a story, written by Chris Strauss, and posted recently on the CrossFit Games website titled “The Difference a Year Makes: Mike Lucca.” Enjoy.
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The Difference a Year Makes: Mike Lucca by Chris Strauss