26 Jan /0 Comments/WOD 170126 Modig Fitness – CrossFit Mobility ROMWOD Gymnastics Bar Muscle ups, Chest to Bar Pull ups, Kipping, Toes to Bar, Hollow/Arch… Endurance Metcon (Calories) 25:00 Row or Bike for Calories Strength 1: Incline Bench Press (10, 8, 8, 6, 6) 2: Kettlebell Row (3xME each arm- no rest between sets) 3a: Dumbbell Shoulder Press (3×10 each arm) 3b: Weighted Sit-ups (3×15) 4a: Barbell Skull Crushers (3×20) 4b: Dumbbell Curls (Hammer Grip- 3×20)