Modig Fitness – CrossFit
This is the first day of our new cycle. The next few weeks will focus on more upper body strength and maintaining all the hard-earned lower body strength from the last few months! We will set a few baselines at the beginning and retest in several weeks. Overall goal is to LGN and explore some new ways to make killer gains!
A1: DB Bench (8RM 3:1:x:1)
Find an 3:1:x:1 8RM baseline. 3 seconds down, 1 second pause, up fast, 1 second at the top
A2: Ring Rows (3x max reps. x:2:2:1)
pull, 2 second pause at the top, down, for 2 seconds, 1 second at the bottom
B1: Bent Over Row (8RM x:2:2:1)
Find an 8RM baseline following the tempo of pull, 2 seconds at the top, 2 seconds down, 1 second at the bottom
B2: Plank Hold (3x :60)
Timed Plank Hold. No Sag.
Straight arms. Goal is exactly :60. Add weight if necessary
Metcon (Time)
4 Rounds for time (10:00 cap)
10 Pushups
20 Wallballs
40 Double Unders (80 Singles)