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Modig Fitness – CrossFit


Pa: Back Squat (3×3)

Perform each rep @ 3:1:x:1

3 @ 65% of Training max

3 @ 75% of Training max

3+ (2 reps from failure) @ 85% of Training max

Rest 1:00 before Pb

Pb: Weighted Pushup (3×10)

Place weight over the back of the shoulders. Keep knees/thighs off the ground, and touch chest to floor each rep
On the last set go for max reps, 2 from failure

Complete one superset of P every 4:00

Fa: Goblet Walking Lunges (3×10/leg)

Hold a single DB/KB in the goblet position
Add 5-10# from last week

Rest 1:00 before Fb

Fb: Weighted Pushup (3×10)

Place weight over the back of the shoulders. Keep knees/thighs off the ground, and touch chest to floor each rep
On the last set, go to failure (stuck on the ground)

Complete one superset of F every 4:00


P: Metcon (Time)

For time:


DB Hang Power Cleans 50/35 per hand

10 10m Shuttle Runs after each set or 1 lap around building, including the set of 20
15:00 cap

F: Metcon (Time)

For time:


RKBS 70/55

10 10m Shuttle Runs after each set or 1 lap around building, including the set of 20
15:00 cap