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Your Equipment Loves You!


Your Equipment Loves You!

This is funny people…and damn true!  There is a nationwide trend of equipment abuse and we’ve got to stop it now!  Okay, so maybe that’s a bit dramatic, but the point is well taken. Enjoy CrossFit Verve’s post from today’s blog!

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Your Equipment Loves You ~ A CrossFit Verve Plea for Equipment Rights

“I just don’t know what to do…”

This was a recent quote from a 45# barbell recently after one end was dropped to the ground while weights were slid off. The end of the barbell crashed violently to the ground.

“Sometimes, I wish I was a GHD machine.”

This was spoken by a 16kg kettlebell after being dropped at the end of a grueling workout.

“Sometimes, I wish I was the ceiling.”

This was from our beautiful, clean, rubber floor after having multiple kettlebells dropped on it at the end of a grueling workout.

“Sometimes, I wish I was Luke Palmisano.”

Spoken by most of our training staff at Verve. Just figured I’d throw that one in there.

You ever been to another CrossFit gyms? Not all of them are as well kept as ours. The gym gets a full cleaning three times a week. Our equipment is varied, and top of the line. Our barbells ain’t the cheapies; we wanted to have nice barbells for you’s. The rowers go through maintenance every month. So, our equipment has requested that we just make a few reminders. For instance, if you bleed on the barbells or pull-ups bars, go ahead and clean that up. The staph infection that never happened thanks you. If you are a chalk abuser, just give your equipment a quick wipe down. The next person to use your equipment will love you forever. If you take weights off of your barbell, go ahead and let your barbell gently down to the ground. The two of you of been through a lot together. Show it some love.

Thank you for reading this. Equipment abuse has become an alarming trend nationwide. Studies have shown that people who are willing to abuse gym equipment are three times as likely to die tragically. And we don’t want that. So show some love to the equipment that loves you.

(Source: CrossFit Verve)