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The New Resolve: The Last New Year’s Resolution You Will Make


The New Resolve: The Last New Year’s Resolution You Will Make

Resolutions. People will go rounds debating the value of making a resolution, whether at the beginning of New Year or not. Many will argue that resolutions are doomed to failure, and they wouldn’t be all that inaccurate. But is it really the resolution itself or our approach? The following article, written by Jeff Jucha on Tabata Times, might not be a completely fresh perspective on New Year’s resolutions, but rather a new approach that should get us thinking. Goals are an effective way to set a benchmark for where you are and where you want to be. At Modig Fitness, we want our members to set goals, short-term or long-term, that we can help them achieve. Enjoy reading the following article and, as we have mentioned before, please let us know of any goals, resolutions, commitments, we can help you achieve.


“Everyday you wake up, you decide who you want to be that day.”

That statement resonates greatly with me. It brings me back to myself whether my head is up in the clouds or flat in the gutter.

I know most New Year’s resolutions are about food…or working out…or a bad habit that we have put off squashing, But a new year’s resolution is just another one of those lies that we tell ourselves, wouldn’t you agree?

Think about this…

When we “put something off” till January 1, we are consciously refusing to take an action that would probably better our lives. Putting down the diet soda in two months is no different than putting down a diet soda now (except at that point we will have two extra months’ worth of consuming something we know hurts us).

Our lives are built from our experiences and the decisions we have made in response to them. If we keep making the same type of decision long enough, it will eventually become a habit.

“A resolution is supposed to be different: it is a firm commitment to do something or abstain from something else. Most people’s new year’s resolutions are just commitments to make decisions that we have not made successfully in the past year.”

But I will pose to you a reality that most of us ignore.

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