Modig Fitness – CrossFit
P1: Snatch Balance + Pause OHS (6x(1+1) )
Snatch Balance + OHS. Pause for :02 in the bottom of the squat
Moderate-heavy weight, build from last week. Perform a set E2MOM
Rest 4:00 before Bench
P2: 4:0:x:1 Bench Press (4×6 reps)
4 down
0 at the bottom
explode up
1 at the top
Same weight for each set. Moderate-heavy weight.
One set every 3:00
P3: Metcon (No Measure)
Alternating Tabata (:20/:10×8)
Hollow Hold
Arch Hold
F1a: Single Arm Dumbell Press (4x 5/5)
Build from last week
Rest :30 before B
F1b: Bent Over Row (4x 10)
Build from last week.
Rest 1:30 before going back to A
F2a: Single Leg RDL (4x 5/5)
Build from last week.
Rest :30 before B
F2b: Goblet Squat (4×10)
Build from last week.
Rest 1:30 before A
F3: Metcon (No Measure)
Alternating Tabata (:20/:10×8)
Hollow Hold
Arch Hold