Modig Fitness – CrossFit
There are several options available today. I would recommend picking 1-2 and sticking with them for the next few weeks. Regardless of which you choose, you should perform them in order of how they are written. You’ll have the choice of snatch/clean skill work, odd-object/core strength, or more traditional structure work
WL.A: Muscle Snatch + OHS + Snatch Balance + Snatch ((1+1+1+1)x5)
WL.B: Clean Pull + Hang Clean Pull + Tall Clean + Clean ((1+1+1+1)x5)
OO.A: Metcon (4 Rounds for weight)
4 Rounds, for weight
50m Elbows down KB Carry, for max weight
rest :30-:45
10 Ring Face Pulls
rest 2:00
OO.B: L-Sit (6x 0:20)
:20 in the most difficult option available to you
S.A: Metcon (Weight)
5 Rounds
6-8 Bicep Curls, any way
:20 dead hang after each round
same weight each round
S.B: Metcon (Weight)
5 Rounds
6-8 DB Upright Rows
rest :45
6-8 Lateral DB Flyes
rest :45
6-8 Bent-over DB Face Pulls
Use an appropriate weight for each movement individually